“Unite in Love and Wisdom” in the Irdin language of the stars.
School / Community
For the Teachings of the Essene Tree of Life
and learning about the celestial and terrestrial Energies and Forces
To provide an optimal space for everyone to access these transcendental sacred teachings, in a theoretical and practical way, especially to learn and practice in daily life the Teachings of the Essene Tree of Life, which translates into being in tune, in harmony with Mother Earth, her Nature and her Laws.
In order, in Divine Order, that the life planned for Oruhu (the school) may exist and flourish, it is necessary to maintain a common thread of thought by advisors, teachers and students: that of living in Harmony with the Sacred Law, with all Universal and Earthly Laws and the Ten Commandments, so that we may develop into the decent and reverent human beings we are designed to be; so that we may participate in the creation of Peace and Harmony all over the Earth.
The school is designed for people who are attuned to this idea.
Life will be simple, natural, and organic, with like-minded and like-hearted people; doors open to men, women, boys and girls, of all races, colors, religions and traditions. Morals towards all human beings will be respected.
Applicants will be carefully interviewed to make every effort to maintain a safe, healthy and reverent space for all.

“Basic information about the symbolic
Essene Tree of Life
is found in the Essene Gospels”
To transmit the Essene teachings in the most effective, pleasant and harmonious way possible. There are two ways to do this:
- One way is via the classes that will be held regularly for everyone who wants to learn.
- The other way is experiential, living at the school, which will allow people to take advantage of the energies and forces that surround us all the time, and thus learning how we can recharge ourselves and maintain the level of energy necessary to sustain our Health, Vitality and Wellbeing.
Life at Oruhu will follow as closely as possible the order of life in the Essene communities: morning communions, hygiene and breakfast; group community tasks, gardening, etc. performed in the morning hours; midday meditation and lunch; afternoon free for personal activities, studies, creativity; gathering in the evening for communions and other activities; rest.

The opportunity to share these teachings and practices through the school is very important from a human and spiritual point of view, especially because at present there does not seem to be any other place to go to study and live the Essene Tree of Life and the valuable Teachings that they offer us in a simple, practical and applicable way.
Part of the vision is that people who come for the experience leave with the wisdom, creativity and desire to start other schools like Oruhu around the world.

For more details on how to locate the school: